豆瓣网友:我真的很聪明,我会成功的,我只是需要机会而已,是的,是这样的,我需要机会脱离我出生的环境,我认识的人全都充满了怨气,他们活着只是为了生存,但是我相信有比那更好的地方,那里更发达,我要活在那种地方,就是这样。I'm smart. I know I can succeed. I just need a chance. A chance to climb out of this place I've born in. Everyone I know are angry and tired. They're trying to survive. But I know that there is a world out there that is better, that's better developed. And I want to live in it.,刘山姆导演对詹森·艾萨克说:"说谎的人会尽量圆谎,讲真话的人,才不会顾及那么多。"《卧虎藏龙》:就算坠入最黑暗的地方,我的爱,也不会让我成为永远的孤魂。吴英:你和妈妈离开之后,我每天都会去那文具店。我还想象着你打开文具店的门买了棉花糖给我的场面。真想按住那个万事通来擦地板。Really want to hold the know-it-all to mop the floor.